Posts tagged with: release notes
Number of posts tagged with "release notes": 17
- In this blog, the tag release notes is used with the meaning
Release notes are documents that provide information about new features, bug fixes, improvements, and known issues in a new software version. They help users and developers understand changes between versions and can include details on compatibility, upgrade steps, and resolved issues. Release notes are essential for keeping stakeholders informed about software progress and updates.
) Glossary, Liquid Filter, LoggingRelease
: Added a glossary-layout, a Liquid regex filter, and improved logging./
) Support for ASCII Diagrams, DockerfileRelease
: Added support for text-based diagrams and a Dockerfile for efficient CI/CD. Improved STEM, list, and image styling./
- release notes
- documentation
- features
- AsciiDoc
- AsciiDoctor Diagram
- diagram
- plot
- Ditaa
- ASCII art
- PlantUML
- Graphviz
- Dot
- plain-text diagram
- Lilypond
- music
- styling
- images
- lists
- known issues
- workarounds
- bugfixes
- Docker
- Dockerfile
- Docker image
- Docker container
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- admonition
- _config.yml
- gemspec
) New functionality (support for STEM expressions)Release
: adds STEM support with MathJax, displaying TeX, LaTeX, and AsciiMath formulas in AsciiDoc. See AsciiShowroom for examples and links./
) New functionality, fixes and improvementsRelease
: New configurable postlist design, minimal page layout, head include points, CSS minification, and updates to show-dates function./
) New functionality, fixes and <i>mprovementsRelease 0.12.X: Major update with RSS, SEO improvements, expanded styling, modular includes, enhanced AsciiDoc/Markdown handling, and extensive doc updates.
) Repository cleanupRelease 0.11.X: Repository cleanup with updated docs, dependency+ies move to gemspec, use of @use in SASS files and minor fixes.
) New functionality, updates, fixes and improvementsRelease 0.10.0: Added tagpages logging, AsciiDoc/Markdown styling, tag descriptions, dynamic stylesheets, stats layout, plus Gemfile updates and bug fixes.
) New FunctionalityRelease 0.9.X: Added permalink indicator for posts, moved post list formatting to _post-in-list-short.html, and generalized list-posts function with parameters.
) New FunctionalityRelease 0.8.X: Jekyll theme 'endless' now supports content additions without layout edits, includes EditorConfig, keyboard shortcut examples, and screenshots.
) Content styling -
) Content stylingRelease 0.6.X: Enhanced content styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with new styles for admonitions, tables, tag cloud, and code blocks.
) Syntax highlightingRelease 0.5.0: Added Rouge-based syntax highlighting for code in Jekyll theme 'endless,' enhancing readability for source code blocks.
) Styling of theme 3Release 0.4.0: Updated post styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with tag display, prev/next post navigation, and visible creation/edit dates.
) Tag cloudRelease 0.3.0: Added tag cloud to Jekyll theme 'endless,' generating tag-specific pages with post lists. Customize tag directory and titles in _config.yml.
) Styling of theme 2Release 0.2.0: Jekyll theme 'endless' now includes Font Awesome, plus customizable title bar and footer with copyright, disclaimers, and social links.
) Styling of themeRelease 0.1.0: Enhanced styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with responsive design using Bootstrap, language settings, and an auto-generated, customizable menu.
) Initial version of the Jekyll theme "endless"Release 0.0.0: Initial version of Jekyll theme 'endless' with SCSS, default layout, page/post layouts, menu builder, post list function, and example SCSS files.