Posts tagged with: music
Number of posts tagged with "music": 1
- In this blog, the tag music is used with the meaning
An organized arrangement of sounds with elements such as melody, harmony, and rhythm, often represented in notation for playback or study.
) Support for ASCII Diagrams, DockerfileRelease
: Added support for text-based diagrams and a Dockerfile for efficient CI/CD. Improved STEM, list, and image styling./
- release notes
- documentation
- features
- AsciiDoc
- AsciiDoctor Diagram
- diagram
- plot
- Ditaa
- ASCII art
- PlantUML
- Graphviz
- Dot
- plain-text diagram
- Lilypond
- music
- styling
- images
- lists
- known issues
- workarounds
- bugfixes
- Docker
- Dockerfile
- Docker image
- Docker container
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- admonition
- _config.yml
- gemspec