Posts tagged with: lists
Number of posts tagged with "lists": 3
- In this blog, the tag lists is used with the meaning
A collection of items organized in a sequence, either ordered or unordered.
) Support for ASCII Diagrams, DockerfileRelease
: Added support for text-based diagrams and a Dockerfile for efficient CI/CD. Improved STEM, list, and image styling./
- release notes
- documentation
- features
- AsciiDoc
- AsciiDoctor Diagram
- diagram
- plot
- Ditaa
- ASCII art
- PlantUML
- Graphviz
- Dot
- plain-text diagram
- Lilypond
- music
- styling
- images
- lists
- known issues
- workarounds
- bugfixes
- Docker
- Dockerfile
- Docker image
- Docker container
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- admonition
- _config.yml
- gemspec
) New functionality, updates, fixes and improvementsRelease 0.10.0: Added tagpages logging, AsciiDoc/Markdown styling, tag descriptions, dynamic stylesheets, stats layout, plus Gemfile updates and bug fixes.
) Content styling