Posts tagged with: posts
Number of posts tagged with "posts": 8
- In this blog, the tag posts is used with the meaning
Multiple blog entries or articles displayed on a site, typically listed in reverse chronological order.
) New functionality, fixes and improvementsRelease
: New configurable postlist design, minimal page layout, head include points, CSS minification, and updates to show-dates function./
Example: Asciidoc post with special chars in tags
Example AsciiDoc post: Demonstrates handling tags with HTML special characters (e.g., A&B) in Jekyll front matter to maintain compatibility in tag descriptions.
) New functionality, fixes and <i>mprovementsRelease 0.12.X: Major update with RSS, SEO improvements, expanded styling, modular includes, enhanced AsciiDoc/Markdown handling, and extensive doc updates.
) New functionality, updates, fixes and improvementsRelease 0.10.0: Added tagpages logging, AsciiDoc/Markdown styling, tag descriptions, dynamic stylesheets, stats layout, plus Gemfile updates and bug fixes.
) New FunctionalityRelease 0.9.X: Added permalink indicator for posts, moved post list formatting to _post-in-list-short.html, and generalized list-posts function with parameters.
) Styling of theme 3Release 0.4.0: Updated post styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with tag display, prev/next post navigation, and visible creation/edit dates.
Example: Markdown! and <i>
Example: Asciidoc<b>!</b>