Blog posts
This layout displays blog entries in a detailed list format, showing the title, summary, dates, and tags. It’s especially well-suited for blogs with fewer entries, giving readers a direct sense of the content awaiting them.
Also, check out the layout with a compact post display.
) Glossary, Liquid Filter, LoggingRelease
: Added a glossary-layout, a Liquid regex filter, and improved logging./
) Support for ASCII Diagrams, DockerfileRelease
: Added support for text-based diagrams and a Dockerfile for efficient CI/CD. Improved STEM, list, and image styling./
- release notes
- documentation
- features
- AsciiDoc
- AsciiDoctor Diagram
- diagram
- plot
- Ditaa
- ASCII art
- PlantUML
- Graphviz
- Dot
- plain-text diagram
- Lilypond
- music
- styling
- images
- lists
- known issues
- workarounds
- bugfixes
- Docker
- Dockerfile
- Docker image
- Docker container
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- admonition
- _config.yml
- gemspec
) New functionality (support for STEM expressions)Release
: adds STEM support with MathJax, displaying TeX, LaTeX, and AsciiMath formulas in AsciiDoc. See AsciiShowroom for examples and links./
) New functionality, fixes and improvementsRelease
: New configurable postlist design, minimal page layout, head include points, CSS minification, and updates to show-dates function./
Example: Asciidoc post with special chars in tags
Example AsciiDoc post: Demonstrates handling tags with HTML special characters (e.g., A&B) in Jekyll front matter to maintain compatibility in tag descriptions.
) New functionality, fixes and <i>mprovementsRelease 0.12.X: Major update with RSS, SEO improvements, expanded styling, modular includes, enhanced AsciiDoc/Markdown handling, and extensive doc updates.
) Repository cleanupRelease 0.11.X: Repository cleanup with updated docs, dependency+ies move to gemspec, use of @use in SASS files and minor fixes.
) New functionality, updates, fixes and improvementsRelease 0.10.0: Added tagpages logging, AsciiDoc/Markdown styling, tag descriptions, dynamic stylesheets, stats layout, plus Gemfile updates and bug fixes.
) New FunctionalityRelease 0.9.X: Added permalink indicator for posts, moved post list formatting to _post-in-list-short.html, and generalized list-posts function with parameters.
) New FunctionalityRelease 0.8.X: Jekyll theme 'endless' now supports content additions without layout edits, includes EditorConfig, keyboard shortcut examples, and screenshots.
) Content styling -
) Content stylingRelease 0.6.X: Enhanced content styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with new styles for admonitions, tables, tag cloud, and code blocks.
) Syntax highlightingRelease 0.5.0: Added Rouge-based syntax highlighting for code in Jekyll theme 'endless,' enhancing readability for source code blocks.
) Styling of theme 3Release 0.4.0: Updated post styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with tag display, prev/next post navigation, and visible creation/edit dates.
Post without tags
Only created for test purposes.
) Tag cloudRelease 0.3.0: Added tag cloud to Jekyll theme 'endless,' generating tag-specific pages with post lists. Customize tag directory and titles in _config.yml.
) Styling of theme 2Release 0.2.0: Jekyll theme 'endless' now includes Font Awesome, plus customizable title bar and footer with copyright, disclaimers, and social links.
) Styling of themeRelease 0.1.0: Enhanced styling for Jekyll theme 'endless' with responsive design using Bootstrap, language settings, and an auto-generated, customizable menu.
Example: Markdown! and <i>
Example: Asciidoc<b>!</b>
) Initial version of the Jekyll theme "endless"Release 0.0.0: Initial version of Jekyll theme 'endless' with SCSS, default layout, page/post layouts, menu builder, post list function, and example SCSS files.